S じぶんのこどもに着せたい服って、どんな服? - What kind of clothes do you want to dress your child in?
English below.
THANK YOU for tiny clothes!
義理姉・Charlotte からこのキャラクターのパジャマやフーディーを贈られたときのうれしさは、ひと味違った。
最愛の息子が “好きなモノ” を選んで贈ってくれたのだから。
I am dreaming some people will say “Baby gift is #Sansies. ”
✂︎ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In the UK, there's a lovely culture of giving "little clothes" as baby gifts.
From my husband's friends and family, we've received tiny clothes even after our son turned two. Sometimes it feels like a small token of appreciation. I think the preconceived notion that "baby clothes quickly become unwearable" is behind this, and it's quite practical! In reality, having several onesies, rompers, and T-shirts for changes is a big help! It's really practical, so THANK YOU for tiny clothes!
By the way, my son loves Peppa Pig. The joy when my sister-in-law Charlotte gave us Peppa Pig-printed pajamas or hoodies was something special. The items were made of high-quality material that I wouldn't have bought myself, in colors and designs I wouldn't have chosen, perhaps some hand-me-downs from her closet...
Every item carries the giver's sentiment, making it memorable and delightful. It's such a shame that they outgrow them in just one season! People who gift baby clothes would be happy if they were used for a long time. The recipients are happy to dress their little ones in comfortable clothes. Unisex hand-me-downs bring joy to both the giver and the receiver. With all these happy thoughts in mind, we're creating clothes that can be worn a size up, with little surprises for both children and adults to enjoy... ♡